Contact Us
About you
To make things easier, click on the category below to jump to the contact details you need:
Here are our contact details
If you are a new financial adviser and would like to register:
Contact our Business Development Team
- 0203 640 6843
- London & Colonial Assurance PCC Plc
- 3rd Floor, 55 Line Wall Road
- Gibraltar GX11 1AA
Our UK opening hours are 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
New business queries
- 0203 640 6843
- London & Colonial Assurance PCC Plc
- 3rd Floor, 55 Line Wall Road
- Gibraltar GX11 1AA
Our UK opening hours are 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
Technical product questions
If you have any questions relating to the products you can contact your Business Development Manager. Alternatively, you can contact our Technical Product Team on the email address below:
Customer service and for existing client changes or queries
- 0203 640 6843
- London & Colonial Assurance PCC Plc
- 3rd Floor, 55 Line Wall Road
- Gibraltar GX11 1AA
Our UK opening hours are 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
Vulnerable customers
Our UK opening hours are 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
Death claims or notifications
- 0203 640 6843
- London & Colonial Assurance PCC Plc
- 3rd Floor, 55 Line Wall Road
- Gibraltar GX11 1AA
Our UK opening hours are 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
You can find full details of our complaints process here.
1. To make a complaint or follow up on an existing complaint then contact our Customer Services Team
- 0203 640 6843
- London & Colonial Assurance PCC Plc
- 3rd Floor, 55 Line Wall Road
- Gibraltar GX11 1AA
Our UK opening hours are 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
2. If you are unhappy with LCA’s resolution of your existing complaint, you can contact the Gibraltar Law Courts at:
- Gibraltar Law Courts
- 32-36, Town Range
- Gibraltar, GX11 1AA
- Website address: